Use this printout as a daily reminder of what your goals are and to help you stay on track. Print it out, fill it out, and tape it to your fridge, mirror or door so you can read it often.
Protein for Body Builders – Plant Based vs. Animal Based
“ I need animal protein to build muscle, I’m a body builder I have no other option”
I hear you, we have been taught this for so long. It’s imprinted in our brains, in our gym buddy’s brains, our parents, our trainers, possibly even our doctors. But times are changing. The truth is no longer ONLY passed around by word of mouth, in TV commercials, billboards or by a textbook that was chosen by someone else for us read and obtain our information from. We are free to ignore societal pressures and ads and learn what we want, IF that is what we want!
That being said, Body builders, Athletes, and Fitness enthusiasts, listen up. You do not need animal protein to build muscle. Don’t close this tab, hear me out a little longer I’ll try to make it quick.
Animal protein may build muscle, but it comes with a lot of baggage. The high amount of essential amino acids found in animal protein causes our bodies to over produce hormones that stimulates growth of cancer cells. It has high levels of phosphorus, they contain saturated fats, cholesterol, and also creates inflammation in your vessel linings which are all cause for cardiovascular issues. Animal protein is lacking in fibre which is a necessary element in assimilating protein. This is why many people (body builders or not) who consume animal proteins, end up storing the excess proteins as fat.
Plant based proteins however, do contain the fibre needed to properly digest protein. They are free of cholesterol which is great because our body is designed to create its own cholesterol and doesn’t need to ingest extra. Oh and it can still be a complete protein (view Complete (Plant) Protein – Debunking the Big Myth ” linked below ) Plant protein contains phytonutrients which have anti inflammatory properties, help repair damaged DNA, and they help protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
So if you want to assimilate protein properly, have healthy gut, better digestion, lower your risk of heart disease, reduce excess fat storage, and lower cholesterol, all while still building muscle and making healthy gains, then choose plant protein!
Complete (Plant) Protein – Debunking the Big Myth
Complete protein, in a nutshell, is protein that contains the 9 amino acids that the human body cannot create on its own. Amino acids are important because they are what builds protein strands. You ingest a food containing the 9 essential amino acids, your body rearranges the amino acids in strands of protein which build muscle and connective tissue.
Myth: Plant based protein is lacking in 9 essential amino acids
Fact: Every plant based food contains all 9 essential amino acids! Yes, you read that right. However, each of the foods on their own do not all have the right levels of amino acids for ideal muscle growth, which is why eating a varied (plant based) diet throughout the day is important, especially if attempting to gain extra muscle. This does not necessarily mean that you need to combine proteins at each meal. Your body takes the amino acids ingested and creates little reserves so that it can mix and match the proper proportions of amino acids at a later time to create new proteins. So basically, as long as you are eating enough healthy calories, it is very difficult to be deficient in complete protein. Your body is smarter than you think!
Bonus Fact: the ONLY food source (plant based and animal based) that is not complete is gelatin.
French Toast Recipe

1 Baguette sliced to 3/4 inch or 6 slices of bread of your choice
1 c. Whole wheat flour
1 1/2 tbsp Nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
2/3 c. Soy milk (or other plant milk)
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
1 tbsp Coconut oil
drizzle of maple syrup over top
1. In a medium bowl, mix flour, nutritional yeast, turmeric, salt, cinnamon, vanilla, and soy milk until smooth.
2. Dip bread slices (both sides) in mixture
3. Heat coconut oil in frying pan
4. On medium heat, fry slices 4 minutes each side, covering pan with a lid.
5. Top with maple syrup and fruit of your choice.
Bon Appetite!
Tofu Scramble Recipe

1 Block of firm tofu (approx. 420 grams)
4 Button mushrooms
1 Clove garlic
1/2 Red bell pepper
4 Chives
1 1/2 tsp Turmeric
1 tbsp Nutritional yeast
Salt/pepper to taste
1 tsp Coconut oil
1. Drain water from tofu block and squeeze out any excess water
2. Crumble tofu into small pieces, add turmeric and nutritional yeast, mix
3. Heat coconut oil in a pan on medium heat
4. Add crushed garlic and chopped mushrooms to pan and let cook 2 minutes or until garlic is browned
5. Add diced red pepper and chopped chives to pan, stir 2 minutes
6. Add tofu mixture salt and pepper
7. Let cook 2 minutes (option to add vegan cheese)
Serve on toast, in a sandwich or enjoy on its own!
Top 5 Ways to Improve Motivatioin and Achieve Your Goals
Top 5 ways to improve motivation and achieve your goals
For my first blog post, I felt this topic was the most appropriate. Motivation is the key to everything we do, in this post, I will cover mainly just health and fitness oriented motivation, but know that it can be applied to every area of life from work to play and everything in between.
Without further ado, here are the top ways to improve your motivation.
1. Picture the end result, and soak it in when it happens.
You know that moment post workout when you are full of those feel-good endorphins? Let that be a moment to recognize how you’re feeling. Too often we rush through our days that we don’t even take time to enjoy the moments we looked forward too. So take that picture of your #healthyfoodporn, look at how happy your dog is when you take him on a long walk, flex in the mirror to see the gains from adding extra weight to the bar. Do not overlook any type of result, use it to drive you the next day.
2. Don’t let the success of others make you feel like a failure!
Here’s something your mom never taught you; you are not the smartest, the prettiest, the most handsome, nor the most talented person. If you strive to be better than 7.7 billion people on the planet or maybe even the 366 million people on social media then you are setting yourself up for disaster. Instead try to truly feel happy for others and ask yourself what is it about their accomplishments that makes you feel less then.
3. Make a list
Having a to-do list keeps you organised keeps you from getting off track. Even something as simple as writing a grocery list will help keep you away from the junk food. A list can be done before , giving you the satisfying to check off tasks/goals once completed! Or it can be done after, perhaps you don’t like following a predetermined list of things to do, well you can also write lists after the fact. For example after a workout, write down what you did you you can reference it later and still be able to keep track of what you are doing while still feeling free to do anything you feel right in the moment.
4. Change your view on failure
Create a more positive relationship with the idea of failing. Use it to see where you need to improve, what changes you need to make and where. See how have you failed in the past, and what did you take away from that experience to benefit you. Once you see failing as less of a threat, you can open all the doors without fear of what’s a head, thus increasing your chances of succeeding at your goals.
5. Figure out when to start.
Sometimes the toughest thing in motivation is finding the “right time” to pursue a dream/goal. Basically any time that is not a horrible time is the “right time”. But if you are waiting for all the stars to align for you, then your dreams will likely remain dreams.
Good luck, and remember: You are capable and you CAN do it!